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Sołtysiński Kawecki & Szlęzak - Polish economic sanctions– webinar for foreign business and lawyers
Cena : Free - CCIFP affiliated company event.
For more information, please contact the organizer.
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How does the Polish Sanctions Law fit within the EU sanctions regime?
The reach of the Polish Sanctions Law – is it extraterritorial?
What is the Polish list of sanctioned entities and what are the consequences of listing?
What administrative and criminal penalties for infringement of sanctions apply under Polish law?
How do the sanctions impact your business transactions with partners in Poland?
During the meeting we will analyse the sanctions law based on the actual examples we have faced in our practice. Our webinar is addressed to foreign investors operating in Poland, law firms as well as financial and compliance departments which deal with transaction
Jarosław Bieroński, Senior Partner, attorney-at-law, tax advisor
Joanna Goryca, Associate, attorney-at-law
Katarzyna Michałowska, Of Counsel, attorney-at-law
Michał Zieliński, Associate, attorney-at-law
Szymon Czerwiński, Senior Counsel, attorney-at-law, tax advisor
Michał Misiak, Junior Associate
Sołtysiński Kawecki & Szlęzak - Polish economic sanctions– webinar for foreign business and lawyers
L'événement est terminé.