Wydarzenie wyjątkowe Patronat CCIFP
Invitation to International Family Picnic “Together we can achieve more” - Children of Ukraine
Cena : Please make a contribution for participation in the Picnic: adults - PLN 100 per person, children - PLN 50 per child
CCIFP affiliate company
PasséL'événement est terminé.
Invitation to International Family Picnic “Together we can achieve more”,
All our friends: governmental and non-governmental organizations, business from Poland, Ukraine, USA, France, Germany,
Great Britain support the education of Ukrainian children in Poland
The program of the International Family Picnic:
12.00 - grand opening, performance of the Special Guest - a well-known musician
12.20 - networking, welcoming drink, Ukrainian traditional treats, workshops
12.50 – pitch of school students to investors
13.00 - concert of students of the music school
13.10 – networking, workshops, an art exhibition
13.30 - international concert with soloists from different countries, concert of music school teachers The picnic will last until 17.00.
Please make a contribution for participation in the Picnic: adults - PLN 100 per person, children - PLN 50 per child, to the Foundation's bank account:
PL 33 1240 6133 1111 0011 1381 7310 after the registration
RSVP 28th of May 2023
Mapa dojazdu

Invitation to International Family Picnic “Together we can achieve more” - Children of Ukraine
L'événement est terminé.