International Speed Business Mixer in Warsaw
Langue(s) de l'événement
Tarif :
195 PLN + VAT per person from a company affiliated to the CCIFP.
360 PLN + VAT per person from a non-affiliated company. ( ATTENTION for non-affiliated companies: Only companies from the manufacturing sector can participate in the meeting).
Registration for the event implies agreement to the terms and conditions outlined in the meeting rules.
PasséL'événement est terminé.
Join us for the Business Mixer, which brings together entrepreneurs affiliated with international bilateral chambers.
We invite you to the next edition of the International Business Mixer, a unique networking meeting, through which you will make new contacts in the business community affiliated with international bilateral chambers and reach out to potential clients and partners.
What is a Speed Business Mixer?
Speed Business Mixer is a meeting that allows each participant to reach a very wide audience with their offer. Each registered participant will take part in a series of short meetings with representatives of selected industries*, to present its offer and find new customers.
During the meeting, participants are divided into groups formed on the basis of an online application form filled out in advance. Each participant will receive an individual interview schedule, which will take place in groups determined on the basis of personal preferences during 3 sessions: in each group, a given participant will have approximately 2 minutes to present himself or herself to the other group members. After about 20 minutes and exchange of business cards with the participants of a given group, each will move on to the next table and group, according to their individual schedule.
Agenda for the meeting:
17.30 - 18.00 Registration and handing over the individual meeting schedules
18.00 - 18.30 Official opening and presentation of the meeting rules
18.30 - 20.00 Speed Business Mixer
20.00 - 21.30 Networking Business Drink
*Organizers do not guarantee a meeting with companies from each industry that the participant marked on the registration form.
Registration for the event is only possible by completing the registration form. Before registering for the meeting, please read the event regulations below.
- Only one person can participate from each company interested in the meeting. The second part of the meeting - the Business Mixer - may be attended by a second additional person from the company.
- On the day of the meeting, upon arrival, each participant will receive an individual interview schedule. The organizers do not guarantee a meeting with companies from the industry that the participant marked on the application form.
- Participants will be divided into groups of up to 10 people. In each group, a given participant will introduce himself/herself to the other members of the group in an approximately 2-minute speech. After about 20 minutes and exchange of business cards with the participants of a given group, each will move to the next group, according to the individual schedule presented at the beginning. The number of groups in which a participant will be able to present his or her own company will depend on the number of applications.
- Interviewees will be divided into groups formed on the basis of the completed application form. However, the organizers do not guarantee a meeting with companies from each of the industries that the participant marked on the form.
- Interviews will be conducted in Polish and/or English.
- The cost of participation in the meeting is 195 PLN NET + VAT per person from an affiliated company in the CCIFP.
- The cost of participation in the meeting is 360 PLN NET + VAT per person from a non-affiliated company (ATTENTION for non-affiliated companies: only companies from the manufacturing sector can participate in the meeting).
- If you are interested in participating, please complete the registration form by 2.11.2022.
- Please be informed: the registration is binding. If you fail to give cancellation notice by November 3th and do not show up, you will be invoiced on 200 PLN net.
- If the organization of the offline event is not be possible, due to the COVID-19 situation, the event will be held on the online platform
and the registration will be equally binding. The organizers reserve the right to introduce additional safety rules in the event in case of worsening of the pandemic situation and/or stricter regulations concerning the organization of events.
Before signing up for an event, please read the general Regulations of CCIFP events : REGLEMENT/Rules
Modalités d'accès

International Speed Business Mixer in Warsaw
L'événement est terminé.